What We Need – Lea Galanter

We need things
smaller than we think
the gods say
a bit of wood
stones for your soul
flowers for your fears

Rest easy in this world
where cares cannot exist
in the white sands
of your dreams

Hide among the fields
of lavender
where your worries
have no meaning
as you dance among
the lotus leaves

Sigh deeply into the
green crystals of the sea
where answers without effort
rise up in waves of truth
LGalanterLea Galanter is a Seattle-area editor and writer with a background in history and theater. After writing plays for many years, she ventured into poetry and has studied with poets Kelli Russell Agodon, Susan Rich, and Elizabeth Austin. She has a background in theater and is president of the board of DramaQueen, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting women playwrights.