A Further Response from the Hornet’s Nest – Robert Okaji

Even the sturdiest door unhinges
at the slenderest idea of your approach,
and I, fascinated with locks and
the mechanisms of biological
pumps, with spiders and the inhabited
self, can’t help but wonder
what I might hear in your heartbeat,
whether forests or a distant surf
would whisper at my resolve, too
late, too late, old man, or simply
laugh at this awkward attempt
to merge and taste the benefits
of your strong limbs and foliage,
your precious resources, your salt.

Robert OkajiThe author of five chapbook collections, three micro-chapbooks and a mini-digital chapbook, Robert Okaji lives in Texas with his wife, two dogs and some books. His work has also appeared in such publications as MockingHeart Review, Crannóg, Reservoir, Vox Populi, Eclectica, Boston Review, The High Window, Oxidant|Engine and elsewhere.